
The Education System

I have and continue to take an interest in education, and following the recent BBC TV programme "The Classroom Experiment" I've decided to put some thoughts into words, and in particular I would like to challenge the assumption that we know what school is supposed to be doing.

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On Voting Reform

Some time ago, I stumbled across a website called The Political Compass, whose authors use two dimensions, not just the popular one (left vs right) to define political leanings and find my result was not close to any of the national political parties in England.

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On Global Warming

I was in a local restaurant recently looking at absolutely torrential rain, and wondered how many people, seeing that, thought "global warming". Certainly a few years ago people were merrily predicting that we would be seeing a mediteranean climate of warm dry summers and cold (dry) winters, but in my mind that was never going to happen.

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